"Eyes, Lies & Illusions" Hayward Gallery London 

7 October 2004 – 3 January 2005. 

Enter a world of optical wonders at the Hayward this autumn: a voyage of discovery through light and shadow. Strange effects and weird devices combine for a head-spinning experience. See images from magic lanterns, creating an eerie array of apparitions from ghouls to drumming skeletons. See more of yourself in „Witch“ mirrors that multiple your reflection, enter a camera obscura and marvel at the illusion of the world turned upside down. Come and play in the famous „Ames Room“ where perceptions are distorted, creating an astonishing shrinking and enlarging illusion. Be tricked by the many visual puzzles and wonder at the devices that captured movement hundreds of years before the invention of film. 
This extraordinary exhibition includes more than a thousand images, instruments and devices drawn from the remarkable collection of the German experimental film-maker Werner Nekes, as well as major works by internationally renowned contemporary artists, which show how optical phenomena continue to fascinate to this day. Christian Boltanski’s shadow puppets of angels and devils haunt the galleries, circling the walls or concealed in unexpected corners. A major new installation by Ann Veronica Janssens uses mirrors to create an illusion of infinite space. Tony Oursler’s video installation „Blue Dilemma“ traces the history of the virtual image back to the Renaissance. Plus works by Marcel Duchamp, Carsten Höller, Markus Raetz, Alfons Schilling, Anthony McCall and Ludwig Wilding.

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Eyes, Lies & Illusions - Hayward

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